Fore Mobility terms and conditions

The following Agreement are hereby agreed to between Fore Mobility LLC and the Member whose name and address is set forth on the application ('Member' or 'You').

1. FLEET VEHICLES: Fore Mobility hereby grants limited use to Member and Member hereby accepts limited use from Fore Mobility the vehicles (individually, a 'Vehicle' and collectively, the 'Vehicles') from time to time delivered by Fore Mobility to Member as set forth below ('Schedule(s)') for the Use Fees and on the terms set forth in this Agreement and in the applicable Schedule. References to this 'Agreement' shall include this Fleet Member Agreement and the various Schedules and addenda to this Fleet Member Agreement. Fore Mobility will, on or about the date of delivery of each Vehicle to Member, send Member a Schedule covering the Vehicle, which will include, among other things, a description of the Vehicle, the rental subscription and other Use Fees as well as other payments due with respect to the Vehicle. This Agreement is for rental only and Member will have no right, title or interest in or to the Vehicles except for the use of the Vehicles as described in this Agreement. Fore Mobility and any affiliate thereof (together with any sub-servicer, agent, successor or assign as servicer on behalf of Fore Mobility, 'Servicer') may administer this Agreement on behalf of Fore Mobility.

2. TERM: This is a subscription agreement which Fore Mobility allows members to reserve vehicles by the 'Reservation', which is to be defined as a set number of hours during a set period, either in hourly blocks, daily, weekly, or monthly. Payment by Members can either be made at the beginning of the term, or through 'flex' payments, which are charged on the day of reservation for that reservation only. All are due by Member regardless of the actual number of times the vehicle was used by Member during the week. Members may reserve the Reservations via Fore Mobility's iOS or Android App. Reservations will be made on an as-available, first-come basis, and Fore Mobility does not guarantee the availability of the Reservations at any particular time. Fore Mobility reserves the right to change or cancel the Reservation at any time with or without notice.

3. MEMBER USE FEE AND OTHER CHARGES: Member agrees to pay Fore Mobility a 'base' subscription fee based on the number of hours agreed at the beginning of the period as well as other applicable payments in this Agreement.

4. USE AND SURRENDER OF VEHICLES: Member agrees that only the Member shall be designated to operate any Vehicle and may not engage in activities while operating the Vehicle that fall outside the scope of this agreement. Member agrees to comply with provisions of all insurance policies affecting or covering the Vehicles and their use or operation. Member agrees that in no event will any Vehicle be used or operated for transporting hazardous substances, for any illegal purpose, or to pull trailers. Member agrees not to remove any Vehicle from the continental United States without first obtaining Fore Mobility's written consent. At the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement with respect to each Vehicle, or upon demand by Fore Mobility, Member at its risk and expense agrees to return such Vehicle to Fore Mobility at such place and by such reasonable means as may be designated by Fore Mobility. If for any reason, Member fails to return any Vehicle to Fore Mobility as and when required in accordance with this Section, Member agrees to pay Fore Mobility an additional fee for such Vehicle at a determined rate based on the demand for that vehicle at that time, as well as a 'recovery fee' of a minimum of $75 and a maximum of $150 to which Fore Mobility will attempt to charge both at once or in smaller increments if the Member's card payment does not go through. Acceptance of such additional fees by Fore Mobility will in no way limit Fore Mobility's remedies with respect to Member's failure to return any Vehicle as required hereunder. Members may not engage in the following activities: (1) smoke or drink alcohol in any of Fore Mobility Vehicles; (2) illegitimate or unauthorized personal or commercial gig use; (3) any illegal purpose or manner; (4) towing, pushing, or propelling any trailer or any other vehicle; (5) operating the Vehicle under the influence of any intoxicating substance; (6) operating the Vehicle in any race, test, or competition; (7) operating the Vehicle in a careless, reckless or negligent manner; (8) operating the Vehicle if it has been obtained from Fore Mobility by fraud or misrepresentation; (9) operating the Vehicle when it has been loaded beyond its rated capacity or with more passengers than the vehicle has seat belts; (10) operating the Vehicle when a corresponding Reservation has not been made; (11) operating the Vehicle on commercial and\/or gig platforms with which Fore Mobility cannot integrate (i.e., the Vehicle may be operated only with gig platforms that are listed on the 'integration screen' in the Fore Mobility app.

5. COSTS, EXPENSES, FEES AND CHARGES: Member agrees to pay all fees, which include: tolls, charges, fines, tickets, penalties, and taxes (other than federal and state income taxes on the income of Fore Mobility) incurred in connection with use or operation of the Vehicles during the Term. If Fore Mobility, Servicer or any other agent of Fore Mobility incurs any such costs or expenses, Member agrees to promptly reimburse Fore Mobility for the same.

6. MEMBER MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: In order to be a Member of Fore Mobility, and to gain authorized use to Fore Mobility Vehicles, the Member must meet, at a minimum the following requirements: (1) Be at least 25 years old; (2) Be able to legally drive in the state of use with a valid license; (3) Have held valid driver's license for at least one year; (4) Have no more than two moving violations in the past three years (excluding accidents); (5) Have no more than one accident in the past three years; (6) Have no more than two accidents in the past three years; (7) Have no major moving violations in the past three years (excluding driving on a suspended license and reckless driving); (8) Have no DUI or other drug-related driving violations in the past seven years; (9) Have no more than three total violations in the past three years; (10) Have no criminal convictions in the last seven years for any of the following: driving-related offenses, violent crime, felonies, drug-related offenses, sexual offenses, theft or property damage offenses (other violations will be evaluated at Fore Mobility's sole discretion). Fore Mobility reserves the right to conduct a review of all members' records to ensure compliance with the above rules. Fore Mobility reserves the right to revoke a driver's driving privileges at any time for any reason, including but not limited to those listed above. (10) Members must carry a valid driver's license and insurance card during every trip. Driving eligibility is conditional on Member possession of a valid driver's license. If Member license is suspended, withdrawn, or expired, for any reason, a Member's right to drive the Vehicle automatically terminates. You must immediately inform Fore Mobility of any suspension, withdrawal, or expiration of Member driver's license. Members must report any changes in contact information (e.g., addresses or phone numbers) to Fore Mobility immediately. It is the Member's responsibility to secure all required licenses, certifications, and documents necessary to legally operate a vehicle, including but not limited to business licenses and airport placards. Please check local regulations before driving.

7. DATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY Fore Mobility shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of Your data.
You agree that Fore Mobility can access Your account information in order to respond to Your service requests and\/or as necessary, and at Fore Mobility's sole discretion, to provide You with Services. Fore Mobility will not disclose such data except if compelled by lawor pursuant to the terms of the Fore Mobility Privacy Policy.
The Privacy Policy governs Fore Mobility's treatment of any information, including personally identifiable information, You submit to Fore Mobility. You acknowledge that when You download, install, or use Fore Mobility's Services, Fore Mobility may use automatic means (including, for example, cookies and web beacons) to collect information about Your Mobile Device and about Your use of Fore Mobility's Services. You also may be required to provide certain information about Yourself as a condition to downloading, installing, or using Fore Mobility's Services or certain of its features or functionalities, and Fore Mobility may provide You with opportunities to share information about Yourself with others. By downloading, installing, using, and providing information to or through Fore Mobility's Services, You consent to all actions taken by Fore Mobility with respect to Your information in compliance with the Privacy Policy.

8. CANCELATION OF RESERVATION: Member agrees that cancelation of a confirmed Reservation, which is defined as a Reservation that has been confirmed via Fore Mobility's app, may incur cancelation fees. You may not rely upon Fore Mobility's Member Services for a confirmed cancelation of Reservation. Such cancelation fees are subject to increase from time to time.

9. LATE PAYMENT FEES: Fore Mobility reserves the right to charge a fee if a payment is made late or if the Payment Card is declined. Late payment fees will be charged per occurrence and posted to the Member's Account. Such late payment fees are subject to increase from time to time.

10. FUEL FEES. Fore Mobility reserves the right to charge a fee of up to $21 if vehicle is returned with a fuel level less than \u00bd full plus a charge of up to $6 per gallon for the number of gallons required to restore the vehicle to \u00bd full.

11. SUSPENSION OF SERVICE: Fore Mobility reserves the right to immediately suspend a Member Account and to revoke all reservation and driving privileges for any reason and at Fore Mobility's sole and complete discretion. If Fore Mobility chooses to terminate service, the Member agrees to return the vehicle within a reasonable amount of time, the maximum being 4 hours, and Fore Mobility shall provide a refund for any remaining portion of the revoked reservation on a case by case basis and only when such a refund is reasonable under the circumstances.

12. MAINTENANCE OF AND IMPROVEMENTS TO VEHICLES: Basic 'wear and tear' maintenance is included in the price of a Member's reservation. Outside this scope however, Member agrees, at its expense, to maintain the Vehicles in good condition. Without the prior written consent of Fore Mobility, Member will not make any alterations, additions, replacement parts or improvements to any Vehicle in any capacity. Any alterations, additions, replacement parts or improvements to a Vehicle will become and remain the property of Fore Mobility and will be returned with such Vehicle upon such Vehicle's return pursuant to Section 4. Members are not responsible for normal wear and tear on the vehicle. Before each Reservation, Members must check the car inside and out and report any damage. This ensures that Members will not be held responsible for damage that may have happened before Member reservation.

13. TOLLS, TICKETS AND OTHER VIOLATIONS: All Tolls, Tickets and Violations are the responsibility of the Member. If a Member receives a traffic ticket, parking ticket, or toll violation while using an Fore Mobility vehicle, it is the Member's responsibility to notify Fore Mobility and pay it promptly. If Fore Mobility receives a citation incurred during Member driver session, it will charge Member Payment Card to recover the amount or attempt to transfer liability of the violation, by means allowable within the confines of applicable state or local laws, from Fore Mobility to the Member and assess a processing fee of at least $15. If you intend to contest the ticket, you must respond to Fore Mobility within 5 days of Member citation notification and continue to provide notification of contest status. Fore Mobility will charge Member payment card for the amount of the citation and processing fees immediately and refund the citation charge only upon proof of successful contest.

14. INSURANCE: Fore Mobility provides liability insurance coverage during Member operation of an Fore Mobility Vehicle which covers damages to other vehicles, property and parties in the event of an at-fault accident. Liability maximums shall depend on the state in which Vehicle is in operation. Fore Mobility's insurance does not cover the cost of Member's own medical expenses in the event of an accident. Members must drive and treat Vehicles with the utmost care. Fore Mobility reserves the right to suspend Member driving privileges and access to Vehicles if it determines, at its sole discretion, that Members are not taking appropriate care when driving Fore Mobility vehicles or using other Fore Mobility assets. In instances where Members are operating the vehicle illegally (suspended license, under the influence, etc.), in a manner not allowed by this Agreement, or with negligence, You will bear the full cost of damage to Fore Mobility vehicles as well as any damage to third parties not covered by Fore Mobility's insurance policy. Member agrees to fully inform Fore Mobility of any gig platforms for whom it is driving and to cooperate, unconditionally, with the investigation of any gig platform driving during an incident involving such platform. If a Member is involved in an incident, an insurance deductible fee of up to $2500 may apply. The fee may apply to, but is not limited to, dents, scratches, collisions, flat tires, windshield cracks, dead batteries, engine problems, vandalism, theft, lost or damaged charge cards or other Fore Mobility or partner property, third party damages and, in some cases, third party personal injuries. In the event of a collision or other incident where additional investigation is required, Fore Mobility may pre-charge up to 25% of the deductible fee (up to $500) at the start of the investigation process. At that time, the Member's account will be suspended pending investigation. Once the investigation is complete, the Member will be reinstated at Fore Mobility's sole discretion. If the cost of repair is less than $500, the Member will be refunded any remaining balance from the damage fee. In cases of theft or loss, a Member may be held responsible for the entire cost of recovery or replacement.

15. ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGE: Any accident or damage in connection with an Fore Mobility vehicle while in use by a Member must be immediately reported to Fore Mobility and, if appropriate, to the police (please report to the police first). Members are obliged to secure evidence from any available witnesses, and to provide Fore Mobility with a written description of the accident and the damage incurred. After an accident Member may only continue the trip with the explicit permission of Fore Mobility. In case of a hit and run, Members must obtain a police report. Members must provide Fore Mobility and any associated claims adjustment service with the findings of any report or any notice relating to a claim or a lawsuit against Fore Mobility regarding any accident involving an Fore Mobility vehicle. You agree to cooperate fully with Fore Mobility in the investigation and defense of any such claim or lawsuit. If for some reason Fore Mobility's insurance policy does not apply, Members may be liable for the entire cost of vehicle repair or replacement and claims made by third parties. Members may be held responsible for any damage occurring to the vehicle or claims made against Fore Mobility for damages resulting from Member use of the vehicle. Members are responsible for any damage caused to any of Fore Mobility's in-vehicle systems or hardware resulting from use or tampering.

16. SELECTION OF VEHICLES AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: (a) MEMBER ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY AND USE OF EACH VEHICLE WILL CONCLUSIVELY ESTABLISH THAT SUCH VEHICLE IS OF A SIZE, DESIGN, CAPACITY, TYPE AND MANUFACTURE SELECTED BY MEMBER AND THAT SUCH VEHICLE IS IN GOOD CONDITION AND REPAIR AND IS SATISFACTORY IN ALL RESPECTS AND IS SUITABLE FOR MEMBER'S PURPOSE. MEMBER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT Fore Mobility IS NOT A MANUFACTURER OF ANY VEHICLE OR AN AGENT OF A MANUFACTURER OF ANY VEHICLE. (b) Fore Mobility MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY VEHICLE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY AS TO CONDITION MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS ARE TO BE BORNE BY MEMBER. THE VEHICLES ARE 'AS IS,' 'WITH ALL FAULTS.' (b) None of Fore Mobility, Servicer or any other agent of Fore Mobility will be liable to Member for any liability, claim, loss, damage (direct, incidental or consequential) or expense of any kind or nature, caused directly or indirectly, by any Vehicle or any inadequacy of any Vehicle for any purpose or any defect (latent or patent) in any Vehicle or the use or maintenance of any Vehicle or any repair, servicing or adjustment of or to any Vehicle, or any delay in providing or failure to provide any Vehicle, or any interruption or loss of service or use of any Vehicle, or any loss of business or any damage whatsoever and however caused. In addition, none of Fore Mobility, Servicer or any other agent of Fore Mobility will have any liability to Member under this Agreement or under any order authorization form executed by Member if Fore Mobility is unable to locate or purchase a Vehicle ordered by Member or for any delay in delivery of any Vehicle ordered by Member.

17. INDEMNITY: Member agrees to defend and indemnify Fore Mobility, Servicer, any other agent of Fore Mobility and their respective successors and assigns from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, suits, claims, demands, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) which Fore Mobility, Servicer, any other agent of Fore Mobility or any of their respective successors or assigns may incur by reason of Member's breach or violation of, or failure to observe or perform, any term, provision or covenant of this Agreement, or as a result of any loss, damage, theft or destruction of any Vehicle or related to or arising out of or in connection with the use, operation or condition of any Vehicle. The provisions of this Section 16 shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.

18. TERMINATION AND REMEDIES: Upon the occurrence of Termination, Fore Mobility, without notice to Member, will have the right to exercise concurrently or separately (and without any election of remedies being deemed made), the following remedies: (a) Fore Mobility may demand and receive immediate possession of any or all of the Vehicles from Member, without releasing Member from its obligations under this Agreement; if Member fails to surrender possession of the Vehicles to Fore Mobility on default (or termination or expiration of the Term), Fore Mobility, Servicer, any other agent of Fore Mobility and any of Fore Mobility's independent contractors shall have the right to enter upon any premises where the Vehicles may be located and to remove and repossess the Vehicles; (b) Fore Mobility may enforce performance by Member of its obligations under this Agreement; (c) Fore Mobility may recover damages and expenses sustained by Fore Mobility, Servicer, any other agent of Fore Mobility or any of their respective successors or assigns by reason of Member's default including, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, incurred by Fore Mobility, Servicer, any other agent of Fore Mobility or any of its respective successors or assigns in attempting or effecting enforcement of Fore Mobility's rights under this Agreement (whether or not litigation is commenced) and\/or in connection with bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings; (d) upon written notice to Member, Fore Mobility may terminate Member's rights. Under this Agreement, with respect to each Vehicle, Fore Mobility may recover from Member all amounts owed by Member under this Agreement and, if Fore Mobility does not recover possession of a Vehicle, the estimated wholesale value of such Vehicle be valued at the sole discretion of Fore Mobility and Fore Mobility may exercise any other right or remedy which may be available to Fore Mobility under the Uniform Commercial Code, any other applicable law or in equity. Any termination shall not affect Member's obligation to pay all amounts due for periods prior to the effective date of such termination or Member's obligation to pay any indemnities under this Agreement. All remedies of Fore Mobility under this Agreement or at law or in equity are cumulative. Sharing an account with another person, such as allowing another person to drive during your reservation time, whether or not they are an Fore Mobility user, is prohibited and shall cause your account to be permanently suspended.

19. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION: Member acknowledges and accepts that Fore Mobility may collect personal information from or about Member, including location data and other 'telematics'-type data, to which such information may be stored, processed, and\/or accessed by Fore Mobility as well as its service providers, primarily for security purposes, but also may be used for general business purposes, including for marketing, lead generation, service development and improvement, analytics, industry and market research, and such other purposes consistent with Fore Mobility's legitimate business needs.

20. DISCLOSURE OF DRIVER INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES: Subject to all applicable laws, Fore Mobility may provide to a third party any information Members provided hereunder if: (a) there is a complaint, dispute or conflict, including an accident, relating to a Member; (b) it is necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement; (c) it is required, in Fore Mobility's sole discretion, by applicable law, regulation, ordinance, license, or operating agreement; (d) it is necessary, in Fore Mobility's sole discretion, to protect the safety, rights, property, or security of Fore Mobility, or any third party; to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; and\\\/or to prevent or stop activity which Fore Mobility, in its sole discretion, considers to be, or to pose a risk of being, illegal, unethical, or legally actionable; or (e) it is required for risk assessment, insurance or driver safety evaluation purposes.

21. PLAID: Member acknowledges, understands and expressly authorizes Plaid the right, power and authority, on behalf of the Member, to access and transmit Member data as reasonably necessary for Plaid to provide its service to Member and that the use of Plaid to verify their bank account information, is subject to, and in accordance with, Plaid's privacy policy, found here: https:\/\/\/overview-privacy\/

22. LICENSE GRANT OF SOFTWARE PRODUCT: (a) This Agreement entitles Member to install and use one copy of Fore Mobility's iOS or Android app ('the Software Product'). This Agreement does not permit the installation or use of multiple copies of the Software Product. Member 'Software Product.'). In addition, the Member may make one archival copy of the Software Product. The archival copy must be on a storage medium other than a computer or laptop drive and may only be used for the reinstallation of the Software Product; (b) Member may not use, copy, or install the Software Product on any system that has not been approved by Fore Mobility. Member may not permit the use, copying, or installation of the Software Product by more than one user. Member may not decompile, 'reverse engineer', disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software Product. Member may not use the database portion of the Software Product in connection with any software other than the Software Product. (c) Member may not modify the Software Product or create any derivative work of the Software Product or its accompanying documentation. Derivative works include but are not limited to translations. Member may not alter any files or libraries in any portion of the Software Product. Member may not reproduce the database portion or create any tables or reports relating to the database portion. (d) Member may not copy any part of the Software Product except to the extent that licensed use inherently demands the creation of a temporary copy stored in computer memory and not permanently affixed on storage medium. Member may make one archival copy which must be stored on a medium other than a computer or laptop drive.

23. MISCELLANEOUS: This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties. This Agreement may only be amended or modified by an instrument in writing executed by both parties. Fore Mobility shall not by any act, delay, omission or otherwise be deemed to have waived any of its rights or remedies under this Agreement and no waiver whatsoever shall be valid unless in writing and signed by Fore Mobility and then only to the extent therein set forth. A waiver by Fore Mobility of any right or remedy under this Agreement on any one occasion shall not be construed as a bar to any right or remedy, which Fore Mobility would otherwise have on any future occasion. If any term or provision of this Agreement or any application of any such term or provision is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and any other application of such term or provision will not be affected thereby. Giving of all notices under this Agreement will be sufficient if notified via electronic mail or SMS Message to party at its last known electronic email address or phone number. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, but the counterpart marked 'ORIGINAL' by Fore Mobility will be the original Member Agreement for purposes of applicable law.

24. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS; GOVERNING LAW AND TERMINATION: This Agreement shall be binding upon Member and its heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, and will inure to the benefit of Fore Mobility, Servicer, any other agent of Fore Mobility and their respective successors and assigns. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Delaware (determined without reference to conflict of law principles).

25. PRE-AUTHORIZATION: Upon submission of a credit, debit, or prepaid card, Fore Mobility may temporarily charge a $1 pre-authorization against that card, but the charge will not be captured. This is to ensure the validity of the card entered into Fore Mobility's app by the Member. The pre-authorization charge will be released within seven days.

26. SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ARGYLE USE: These Supplemental Terms and Conditions apply when you authenticate your account with Fore Mobility's third-party service-provider, Argyle, Inc. ('Argyle'), and shall prevail over any conflict or inconsistency with the Terms of Service above. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined below have the meanings provided above.
Third Party Requirements. If You authenticate your account with Argyle, then the following terms also apply to You:
A. By using the Service and authenticating your account, you are electronically retrieving, through Fore Mobility and our third-party service providers (including Argyle), your account information maintained by third-party data sources with whom you have a contractual relationship ('Your Account Information'), and you expressly authorize and direct Fore Mobility and Argyle, on your behalf, to take any and all actions necessary to retrieve Your Account Information and integrate it with the Fore Mobility platform, Services, and App, including but not limited to any anonymization, analysis, and aggregation of such data for ultimate sale to third-parties.
B. To the extent that Fore Mobility takes any action in accordance with subsection (A) above, you agree that Fore Mobility is acting as your agent, and not as the agent of or on behalf of any third-party. You agree that third-party account providers shall be entitled to rely on the foregoing authorization, agency and power of attorney granted by you.
C. For purposes of this agreement and any action referred to herein to obtain Your Account Information, you grant Fore Mobility a limited power of attorney, and appoint Fore Mobility as your attorney-in-fact and agent, to facilitate receipt of third-party sites, servers, or documents and\/or Your Account Information.
Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that you are a legal owner of, and that you are authorized to provide us and our third-party service providers with, all account information and login credentials necessary to facilitate our retrieval of Your Account Information and your use of the Service.
Indemnification. You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Fore Mobility, and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, and third-party service providers (including Argyle) from all actual or threatened third-party claims, proceedings, or suits arising out of or based on your breach of Section 2 (Representations and Warranties).
Data Access Rights and Privacy.
Residents of the European Union, Switzerland, and California have certain rights allowing them to access, correct, or delete Personal Information that we may have collected.
By using the Service and authenticating your account, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy and the Privacy Policy of our third-party service provider Argyle, Inc. (available at https:\/\/\/legal\/privacy-policy).

BIOMETRIC DATA: User understands that the Company, its vendors, and/or the licensor of the Company's facial verification software collects and uses biometric data for the purpose of identity confirmation of Users prior to being accepted onto Company's technology platform. Biometric face scans are geometric-based systems that scan a users face for purposes of identification. The computer system extracts unique data points and creates a unique mathematical representation used to verify the user's identity, for example, when comparing a 'selfie' photo to the user's driver license photo. The company collects such information for said purposes but does not store such data and does not sell, lease, trade or otherwise profit from such data in any form or in any capacity. The user understands that he or she is free to decline to provide biometric identifiers and biometric information to the Company, its vendors, and/or the licensor of the Company's facial verification software by not proceeding with sign up and the user may revoke this consent at any time by notifying the Company in writing. FOR ILLINOIS RESIDENTS: The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, 740 ILCS 14/1, et seq. ('BIPA'), regulates the collection, storage, use, and retention of 'biometric identifiers' and 'biometric information.' 'Biometric identifier' means a retina or iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, or scan of hand or face geometry. 'Biometric information' means any information, regardless of how it is captured, converted, stored, or shared, based on an individual's biometric identifier used to identify an individual. The user acknowledges that he/she voluntarily consents to the Company's, its vendors', and/or the licensor of the Company's facial verification software's collection and use of biometric data, including to the extent that it utilizes the user's biometric identifiers or biometric information as defined in BIPA, and voluntarily consents to the Company providing such biometric data to its vendors, and/or the licensor of the Company's facial verification software.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by continuing, Member agrees to the Member Agreement and Fore Mobility has effectively executed this Member Agreement as of the day and year of the application